Become a gardener at Unley – School Holiday Fun

Give your kids the green thumb at Unley Shopping Centre

Looking for an activity to entertain the kids these school holidays? Look no further than Unley Shopping Centre. There’s something about getting your hands dirty. Give the kids a green thumb with our plants and potters workshop.

  • Each Child receives a gorgeous ceramic planter, Plastic or Bio pot to paint and decorate and take home.
  • Children choose their flower, add soil and then start gardening.

WHEN: April 15-18th 10am – 1pm

WHERE: Unley Shopping Centre, opposite Tony & Marks


Bookings are essential and places are limited. BOOK HERE

We can’t wait to see you in centre!

Find us

204 Unley Road, Unley
South Australia 5061

  • MON - WED
    7am / 9pm
  • THU
    7am / 9pm
  • FRI
    7am / 9pm
  • SAT
    7am / 5pm
  • SUN
    9am / 5pm

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